Is there such a thing as high tech camping

Is there such a thing as high tech camping

The days when camping meant accepting a parade of inconveniences and the constant barrage of unwanted insects is long behind us.

Today, both tourists who decide to go camping and the material they bring to do so have adapted to a higher-tech world. We’re still in touch with mother nature, but we’re also trying to offset the more uncomfortable side-effects of doing so.

The first thing that everyone usually complains about is bites and stings from a never-ending variety of insects that make life difficult, especially at night. Keeping them at bay is easy with a solar compact ultrasound repellent, and some of them are no bigger than a lighter.


Another thing that causes some annoyance – the lack of a mobile phone. Unless you’ve decided to take a strict technological detox, you’re going to spend a good chunk of your time searching between the trees for a signal or firing up airplane mode to help your battery last that little bit longer. An external battery is essential, and the best thing is to choose one that charges itself.  There’s a wide variety available, and they’re not at all expensive.

Not the highest tech, but essential all the same – water. If you’re close to a river, the most sensible option is to refill your bottles from it, but you’re going to have to be careful and ensure the water is properly filtered. There are lots of gadgets around that will help get rid of any bacteria, one of them being a bottle with built-in water filter, a good value choice.

Once you’re properly hydrated, you’re going to want to capture a few memories. You might want to use your phone to take some snaps, which works pretty well if not a little blurry in the midst of the action. A stabilising device will improve the quality of your photos and ensure every selfie is picture perfect.

After such a busy day, we can’t forget the most important of all. You’ll be able to rest well in the latest tents. This high-tech version has a built-in LED that lasts 90 hours and will surely help you do whatever needs doing once the sun has set.