Japan tells you how to look spectacular on your next holiday

Japan tells you how to look spectacular on your next holiday

Daily routines and lack of time to train make it challenging to get in shape and show off your abs in your favourite bikini this summer.

But, if nothing has worked for you in the past, we may just have the answer for you as body posture, once identified as a factor, could completely change your understanding of weight loss.

Kenichi Sakuma, the trainer of world-famous models and celebrities, is also the creator of the Sakuma Full Body method that has caused something of a revolution, and he himself insists that it will help you to lose weight in a very short period of time.

The Sakuma method

The Sakuma Full Body method claims that with no more than five minutes of exercise a day, people can lose weight and tone muscle fibres in certain parts of the body.

His method is based on correcting posture when sleeping, at work, walking, sitting or standing. According to Kenichi, badly used muscles affect the whole body as the ones we don’t use (like the abdomen, thighs or back), or the ones that are not used due to bad posture, don’t get toned because they reduce their metabolism.


The reason why those stubborn areas are difficult to slim down is poor muscle use. If we don’t move our muscles properly, no amount of exercise will make us slim. This book introduces four essential exercises for more efficient weight loss. These exercises condition your body to keep the weight off as well.

He also states that body fat is reduced by improving posture because it increases basal metabolism (the rate at which the body uses energy while resting to maintain vital functions such as breathing) and once it’s adjusted correctly, the muscles are activated and regain their shape. This recovered tonicity will be enough to start reducing body fat as when the muscles are contracted, their volume increases.

Sakuma, the so-called Marie Kondo of fitness, says that with his method of only 4 or 5 minutes a day of recovered posture for the muscles we want to tone, we can achieve optimal results. The key is to strengthen the muscles and balance them in such a way that our metabolism remains active at all times, and we are continuously burning fat.

This is why the Sakuma Full Body method is based on stretching exercises that further the reduction of volume in these areas. The Sakuma method exercises are called negative training, which leads to stronger muscles, faster muscle repair and increasing our metabolic rate. This type of training makes it possible to reduce the volume of fat in specific parts of our body, as by stretching the muscles and adding light loads, we increase our flexibility.

You can get started with this method by buying the latest “Sakuma Full Body” bestseller, free weights and dumbbells. Exercises are done daily for between five and twenty minutes for the first two weeks and from the third week onwards, every second day.

Remember that a balanced diet should be part of your Sakuma routine, so that you fully benefit from it or any other exercise regime, to increase your energy levels and leave you feeling healthier.