Sleeping under the stars in the Alps

Sleeping under the stars in the Alps

Null Stern Hotel offers a rather unusual outdoor room which is located 2000m above sea level in the Safien Valley.

If you’re searching for a difference experience, you may be interested in what we’re about to tell you. The Null Stern hotel, situated in the east of Switzerland offers its guests a room whose roof is none other than the sky in the Alps.

There no walls or roof but it does have all the furniture: a bed and headboard, bedside tables with lamps and two stools, all on a regular concrete floor.

Due to weather conditions, the room is only available during the summer months and comes with a breakfast service. For €250 a couple can spend the night in this unusual setting surrounded by greenery and nature.

The main drawback is that there’s no bathroom and the nearest one is a ten-minute walk which is not eactly ideal if you need to go in the middle of the night.

The project was conceived by the Swiss brothers, Frank and Patrik Riklin, who have already created other quirky concept properties. The brothers were in the news in recent years for opening a small hotel inside an underground nuclear fallout shelter and another inside an artificial rock.