Ethiopia crash victims’ families to subpoena U.S. operators of Boeing 737 MAXTransport

Ethiopia crash victims’ families to subpoena U.S. operators of Boeing 737 MAX

Lawyers representing families of passengers killed in a Boeing 737 MAX crash in Ethiopia in March are set to issue…

Airlines and regulators meet to discuss Boeing 737 MAX un-grounding efforts

Airlines and regulators meet to discuss Boeing 737 MAX un-grounding efforts

Airlines and regulators were gathering at a closed-door summit in Montreal on Wednesday to exchange views on steps needed for…

British museum to return royal hair seized in Ethiopia 150 years agoLIFE & STYLE

British museum to return royal hair seized in Ethiopia 150 years ago

A museum in Britain has agreed to return a ruler’s locks of hair cut from his corpse by a British…

Ethiopia overtakes Dubai as top feeder of air traffic to AfricaTourism Insight News

Ethiopia overtakes Dubai as top feeder of air traffic to Africa

Ethiopia has overtaken Dubai as a conduit for long-haul passengers to Africa, highlighting the success of the state airline’s expansion…