Why everyone should go on a road trip at least once in their life

Why everyone should go on a road trip at least once in their life

Heading away on a road trip is always a great way to test yourself. It’s not just us who are saying it, ask anyone who’s done it, or watch Thelma & Louise, Into the Wild or Little Miss Sunshine.

Recognising who we really are, frees us from social pressures and lets us truly live our lives. A road trip tests us and helps to discover ourselves. There are an endless amount of reasons why everybody should go on a road trip at least once. Here at LookOut Pro, we’ve chosen four that give off an aura of romanticism when on the road.

  1. The sheer pleasure of living together: When we spend most of our daily life working and doing routine tasks: working, going to the gym, cooking, doing housework, kids, school… A road trip gives us the chance to regain that feeling of fullness that we experience when we spend time with those we love most.
  2. Say goodbye to your watch: Time is accelerating with technology in modern life. There’s always something to do and discover, and we never find the time to kick back and relax. On the road, that all stops. You won’t be depending on a plane taking off or a train arriving. Time seems to stand still, and you’ll feel like a young child, stopping along the road to simply check out something that caught your attention.
  3. It’s the trip, not the destination: Remember, the road’s the destination. It’s not about getting from A to B. By getting out on the road, not only are you going to experience treasured moments, you’re going to suffer small setbacks. The negative aspects of the trip, the drama of a flat tyre, absurd arguments when you take the wrong turn, etc. these will all be anecdotes that will stay with you forever.
  4. Surprise yourself: Visit places you’d never have imagined going to before, discover something new about your travel companions, meet someone extraordinary at a stop… the road works in mysterious ways. There are few better plans than heading away in the car, throwing routine out the window and living your own adventures.